October 22, 2020 – November 1, 2020 all-day

Greetings TABSE,

It is once again time to select officers for the TABSE Executive Board, to serve a two-year term beginning in the spring. Offices to be elected include: Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Historian, and Chaplain. Interested and qualified candidates wishing to be considered should submit an application, expressing your interest in serving in office. According to the TABSE by-laws, individuals interested in submitting a nomination for any of the various positions must meet the following criteria in order to be placed on the election ballot. 

  • The applicant must be a current financial dues-paid member of TABSE for a least two years
  • The applicant must be a current financial due paid member of a TABSE Local Affiliate for at least the past two years
  • The applicant must be current financial dues paid member of NABSE for at least the past two years

All elected officers will be expected to fulfill the obligations of the position for the full two-year term and perform the duties according to the provisions and guidelines established by NABSE and TABSE. Elected officers will assume their new positions in February.
TABSE is seeking committed, energetic and talented individuals to take a more active role in the continued success of our organization. Please complete the attached application and submit it no later than November 1, 2020. Nominations for offices received postmarked after November 1, 2020 will not be included on  February 20, 2021 (Delegate Assembly) election ballot. Individuals eligible to be nominated for office will be contacted to determine their willingness to run for office and serve for the two-year term of office.

Duties of the Offices:
Corresponding Secretary- The Corresponding Secretary shall receive correspondence via U.S. mail/electronic and will assume the responsibilities for sending out written communications to the general body regarding TABSE activities and events. The Corresponding Secretary will assume any other appropriate duties and functions as prescribed by the President.
Financial Secretary – The Financial Secretary shall keep a financial record of all members. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for providing a quarterly financial report of the membership. The Financial Secretary shall verify members for any awards or recognition that is given on behalf of the organization.
Historian- The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining a record of proceedings of the alliance. This can be done in the form of pictures, newspaper clippings, and documentation in writing of significant events.

Chaplain- The Chaplain provides religious guidance, and serves as an advisor to TABSE and affiliates in all matters pertaining to moral, spiritual, and educational support. The Chaplain shall lead the organization in the invocation and the benediction.
TABSE Officer Nominations Form
Additionally, the information is provided on the TABSE website (tab About, Constitution/Bylaws, Article Vlll, Nominations/Election of Officers, Sections 1-5, includes information concerning, Time, Committee, Election, and Voting, etc. Article lX Section 5:1-5).

Approved February 23, 2020
Amended November, 2019

Individuals eligible to be nominated for office will be contacted to determine their willingness to run for office and serve for the two-year term of office. Voting will occur from January 1, 2021 through February 18, 2021 (the first day of the state conference). 

Linda Fisher-Griggs, M.ED.
TABSE Nominations Committee, Chair 

[email protected]

Please submit Nominations for review by the Nominations Committee by November 1, 2020 @ 11:59 p.m. deadline to Linda Fisher-Griggs, M.ED.
TABSE Nominations Committee, Chair 
[email protected]



Copyright © 2024 Southwest Dallas County Alliance of Black School Educators (SWABSE) | A TABSE Affiliate
Website by: Website Maintenance Houston

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